Test mode allows you to review rates from the app at checkout, without your customers seeing the rates until you are done setting everything up.
Use first name "Bambri" in the shipping address at checkout.
When it test mode, the app will only show rates at checkout if you use the first name Bambri at checkout. Make sure to spell it correctly.
Rates will titles will have [CSR] added to the end
When you are in test mode, all rates from the app will have the text [CSR] added to the end. This will help you to identify rates from the app vs. any preexisting rates you have set-up.
( Tip: Even in Live Mode, by using the first name Bambri, you will still see the [CSR] text added to rates. )
Test mode doesn't work with some 3rd party checkouts like ReCharge, or with cart shipping calculators.
Because test mode is reliant on having the first name Bambri, it won't work with any 3rd party service that doesn't send name data in requesting rates.
For instance, ReCharge has its own checkout and only sends shipping addresses without a name to get rates from Shopify. Even if you type Bambri in the checkout, that data doesn't passed and therefore test mode will not work.
This also goes for shipping calculators on the cart page that only use state and postal code to retrieve rates.
Once the app is in live mode, rates will be returned to ReCharge, shipping calculators, etc.
When you switch to Live Mode for the first time, you'll be asked to activate your app subscription.
When you first install the app, you are free to use Test Mode in an unlimited free trial. When you switch to live mode for the first time you will be asked to pick and activate a pricing plan, and start the clock on your 7-Day free trial after that.
Switch from Test Mode to Live Mode
To switch to Live Mode, click the button on the yellow Test Mode banner that will appear on the main page of the app.
You can also go to the Settings tab, scroll to the bottom to the section labeled and click the button Disable Test Mode.
Switch from Live Mode to Test Mode
If you don't see a yellow banner at the top of the main page of the app, it means you are Live Mode.
If you'd like to switch to Test Mode, go to the Settings tab and click the button Enable Test Mode.
*Warning* If you switch to Test Mode, and you don't have any other rates attached to your shipping zones in the Shopify shipping settings, your customers may not see any shipping rates at checkout, and be unable to complete any purchases.